Vehicle Tags are qualities that can be applied to vehicles.
List of Vehicle Tags[]
Name | Rating | Description | Ref. |
Airborne-Amphibian | 1 | Can fly and move across water. | TC pg 128 |
All-Terrain | 1 | Reduce off road handling penalties by 2 | TC pg 128 |
Amphibious | 1 | Can move across land and water. | TC pg 128 |
Anti-Theft | 1 | +2 Complication that triggers alarm. | TC pg 128 |
Armor | 1 to 3 | Gains Composite Armor Tag. Each dot gains +1 Hard and Soft Armor to vehicle and occupants. | TC pg 128 |
Cargo | 1+ | Each point of Cargo grants passenger capacity of +10. | TC pg 128 |
Complex | 0 | +1 Complication to users without proper training. | TC pg 128 |
Crew Required | -1 or -3 | Adds Complication to operate without correct amount of crew. | TC pg 128 |
Fast | 1+ | Increases Speed Scale by +1. | TC pg 128 |
Flight Systems | 0 | Grants atmospheric flight. | TC pg 128 |
Hover | 1 | Vehicle hovers and ignores certain environmental hazards. | TC pg 128 |
Maneuverable | 1 to 3 | +1 Enhancement to handling. | TC pg 128 |
Massive | 1+ | +1 Scale to Durability and Size. | TC pg 128 |
Military | 1 | +3 Complication to operate without training and gain Weaponry 2 for Free. | TC pg 129 |
Sluggish | -1 to -3 | Adds Complication to handling action. | TC pg 129 |
Stealthy | 2 | +2 Enhancement to Stealth checks. | TC pg 129 |
Submersible | 1 | Move on and under water. | TC pg 129 |
Tools | 1 | Mounted tools to perform labor. | TC pg 129 |
Treads | 1 | Reduce Complications and speed penalties by 1. | TC pg 129 |
Watercraft | 0 | Can move across water. | TC pg 129 |
Weaponry | 1 or 2 | Gain Weapons with Scale dependent on the Scale of the Vehicle they are mounted to. | TC pg 129 |
Wheeled | 0 | Basic land travel. | TC pg 129 |
- TC: Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook, p. 128-129