The Onyx Path Wiki

The Triton Foundation is an organization associated with the Æon Society dedicated to medical advancements and general humanitarian charity.


After a restructuring of the Æon Society divided itself into a number of different subsections and projects, each focused on a particular goal or field. The Triton Foundation was among these, being founded in 1986 with Dr. Dragan Kuzlev as CEO.


Triton Foundation (c. 2018)

Since then, it has remained a largely apolitical but positive force in the world, reducing disease, suffering, and chaos worldwide, providing new medical treatments for various diseases and social change through charity.


By and large, Triton operates like a large nonprofit focused on medical research and charity work, with administrative, legal, and other similar departments.

  • Operation Cornucopia is an effort to research new kinds of sustainable crops and other food technology.
  • Project Argonaut was originally founded to investigate exotic locations, but as it was transferred to Triton, their remit expanded to cover research into geology and ecology that might benefit pharmaceutical research.
  • Project Cyclops was, like Argonaut, originally established to investigate bizarre flora and fauna encountered by the Society, but under Triton it researches plants, animals, and other biological sciences that may aid the Foundation's pharmaceutical research.
  • Project Utopia's task was to investigate individuals with quantum-fueled powers. Initially a small organization, they expand massively in the wake of N-Day. Utopia is briefly moved to the Neptune Foundation, but within a few months quickly grows to semi-autonomy themselves.
  • Project Pandora is kept under strict secrecy. Their goal is similar to Utopia's, but instead investigate those with psychic powers, codenamed psiads.
  • Project Tantalus researches Talents, although it's mostly an exercise in frustration for them. Both Pandora and Tantalus have access to the Babel Dossier to help with new lines of research.

Background Information[]

  • The Triton Foundation has its origins in Aberrant 1st Edition, intended as a predecessor to the Triton Division seen in Æon's 1st Edition.


Trinity Continuum Allegiances
c. 2018-2025

Æon Society Allegiances

The Neptune Foundation · The Triton Foundation · Polyphemus

9 · Archangel · The Global Cartography Initiative · Pharaoh's Lightkeepers
Alert Status 1 · Les Fantômes · National Office of Emergency Research · La Révolte Éclatante · The Theseus Club · The Transcendent Alliance

Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Allegiances
c. 2028

Æon Society Allegiances

The Neptune Foundation · The Triton Foundation · Project Proteus
Project Utopia (Team Tomorrow)

The Daedalus League · The Directive · Elites · The Queer Nova Alliance · The Teragen

Alternate Allegiances

Archangel · Alert Status 1 · Les Fantômes · National Office of Emergency Research · The Theseus Club
