The Onyx Path Wiki

The Theseus Club is a group dedicated to hunting those who exterminate human lives with impunity, most especially members of the Society of Minos.


In 1924, WWI veteran and sportsman Sanger Rainsford was shipwrecked on a private island owned by a Russian aristocrat, General Zaroff. Zaroff offered a challenge to Rainsford: freedom if Rainsford survived three days of Zaroff hunting him.

Although Zaroff had home field advantage, plus an array of weapons and hunting dogs, while Rainford had only the clothes on his back, eventually Rainsford won, dispatching Zaroff.

While recuperating on the island estate, Rainsford discovered Zaroff's journal, describing an organization called the Society of Minos, composed of similar like-minded hunters who had largely gotten bored with hunting mere animals. Rainsford swore to oppose the Society and all like them, and once he escaped the island, created the Theseus Club.

Aberrant Era[]

Hunting down the canniest hunters of groups like the Society of Minos was hard enough; now they must worry about overbearing killer novas as well. On the other hand, a nova may be an even greater trophy than a human, so the Club might find itself protecting quantum-using clients before too long.


The organization had six founders altogether, and has six board members: starting with the founders, any time a board member died, a new one was selected to take their place. The board steers the direction of the organization overall.

Background Information[]

  • Sanger Rainsford and General Zaroff come from a short story by Richard Connell, titled "The Most Dangerous Game," also published as "The Hounds of Zaroff." Read it in full here. The story is well out of copyright, so the story used without needing to obfuscate it. The Theseus Club and the Society of Minos are unique inventions not found in the original story.
  • The author Jack Norris also used Jon Sable as inspiration, with small bits of The Hunger Games and Dexter.[1]


Trinity Continuum Allegiances
c. 2018-2025

Æon Society Allegiances

The Neptune Foundation · The Triton Foundation · Polyphemus

9 · Archangel · The Global Cartography Initiative · Pharaoh's Lightkeepers
Alert Status 1 · Les Fantômes · National Office of Emergency Research · La Révolte Éclatante · The Theseus Club · The Transcendent Alliance

Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Allegiances
c. 2028

Æon Society Allegiances

The Neptune Foundation · The Triton Foundation · Project Proteus
Project Utopia (Team Tomorrow)

The Daedalus League · The Directive · Elites · The Queer Nova Alliance · The Teragen

Alternate Allegiances

Archangel · Alert Status 1 · Les Fantômes · National Office of Emergency Research · The Theseus Club
