The Onyx Path Wiki

"Someone grab the epipen!!!"

Quantum Flux Diseases are a variety of diseases caused by exposure to Aberrant energies. Contrary to what the name implies, they're caused by Corruption, which is often mistaken for Quantum Flux. They tend to be serious, but non-contagious; progressive, but incurable.[1]


Those exposed to Quantum Flux in large amounts have a tiny percentage chance of becoming Aberrants or Sub-Aberrant Mutants. The majority of people just get sick. Sources of exposure can be Quantum Flux Zones or being targeted by Aberrant powers.

Primary Quantum diseases are complex require a Quantakinetic to treat. Primary diseases are contracted via direct exposure to Quantum flux.

Secondary Quantum diseases can be treated through normal methods. Secondary diseases are contracted via mutated bacteria and viruses.

Quantum flux diseases range in severity from common cold to cancer. In the Nova Age, the cure for cancer existed, but with Quantum Flux Diseases a new barrier to medical science exists.

