The Onyx Path Wiki

Psychomorphs are those Inspired who are able to manipulate Psi energies. As the fifth fundamental force, operating on a sub-quantum level, noetic abilities are more subtle than their eximorph counterparts, although still more powerful than an average Talent. In exchange for that lack of power, however, multiple psychomorphs are often able to combine their capabilities to increase their collective strength.

There are two major groupings of psychomorph:


  • Mesmerists operate at a low level of power, and are commonly found in the Adventure! era.
    • Psiads operate at a similar level of power to psions, below. They're likely the same phenomenon as mesmerists, just operating at different strengths. After a Hammersmith-style incident in 2104, psiads gain some Quantakinesis-like abilities.
  • Latents are a sort of evolutionary dead-end. While psiads gain powers, latents may never know they're anything other than neutral humans, and are unable to actively channel Psi. If they do, it's often an unconscious manifestation under stress. However, latency is required for entry into a Prometheus Chamber.


  • Psions are created when a latent (see above) is placed into a Prometheus Chamber, in which rapid genetic therapy triggers them as a full psion. Latency usually shows a preference for one particular Aptitude, and the latent is typically (though not always) placed in the associated chamber, with the understanding that they'll prove to be stronger in that Aptitude as a result of their latency. A cross-Aptitude triggering will sometimes manifest as an Auxiliary Mode.

The Æon Society's Project Pandora specializes in research into psychomorphs and their capabilities.
