The Onyx Path Wiki

"If only I used my mind bullets instead of real ones!!!"

Psions are latent psychomorphs whose powers have been activated via one of eight Prometheus Chambers.[1][2] "Proxies" are the eight original psions, who were given more intensive, personalized gene therapy to start them off at a much higher power level than most psions, whose process is more routine and generic.

Psiads are the rumored naturally-occurring psions who gained their powers without the use of a Prometheus Chamber.

Psion Template[]

A psion's Aptitude is their primary psychic talent. While a latent, tests may show particular affinity towards a specific Aptitude, and they're often encouraged to be triggered in the associated Prometheus Chamber, with the thought that it'll make them stronger in that Aptitude. This isn't always feasible, however. On occasion, a cross-triggered psion may develop their latent affinity as an Auxiliary Mode.

Aptitudes and their chambers include:

