Project Tantalus was developed as a group dedicated to the study of Talents. It's a sister organization to Project Utopia (who study the novas) and Project Pandora (who study psiads).
Tantalus was created to study paramorphs, likely at the same time as the creation of Projects Pandora and Utopia. While Utopia went public in 2019 with the unveiling of Team Tomorrow, the Triton Foundation kept Pandora and Tantalus under strict secrecy.
Unfortunately Tantalus researchers hit dead end after dead end, starting with a lack of definitive criteria which would qualify an individual as a Talent. They are aware Talents exist as a phenomenon by studying probabilities over populations, but it's difficult to single out any particular individual.
Access has been provided to the Babel Dossier in the hopes that old information will lead to new lines of research.
By 2123 Tantalus continued their research into the phenomenon of Talents, considered a "murky, undefined agenda," and had still made little headway. Fortunately the Æon Trinity seems to have a large number of Talents, which provides Tantalus with plenty of potential test subjects.
Background Information[]
- In Greek mythology, Tantalus was a man whose punishment in Tartarus was that he was cursed to stand in a pool of water under a tree with low-hanging fruit. The fruit remained forever out of reach, and the water would recede whenever Tantalus tried to take a drink. The identification of Talents likewise continues to remain just out of reach of researchers.
- In 1st Edition, Tantalus was aware of one known paramorph (and studied when time permitted): Maxwell Anderson Mercer, identifiable due to his uniquely extraordinary set of capabilities. Whether or not Tantalus is similarly aware of Mercer in the current edition is unknown.
- TC: Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Rulebook, p. 109
- TC: Trinity Continuum: Æon Rulebook, p. 187