The Onyx Path Wiki

Project Pandora was developed as a group dedicated to the study of people codenamed "psiads" and their subtle psychic abilities, to contrast with the more dramatic effects of quantum-users like novas. It's a sister organization to Project Utopia (who study the aforementioned novas) and Project Tantalus (who study Talents).


Pandora was created to study psychomorphs, likely at the same time as the creation of Projects Tantalus and Utopia. While Utopia went public in 2019 with the unveiling of Team Tomorrow, the Triton Foundation kept Pandora and Tantalus under strict secrecy.

By 2123 Pandora had transitioned almost exclusively to the study of psions, their abilities, and origins. Scientists work closely with the Psi Orders to further human understanding of psi powers and to help solve problems like psionic dysfunction. Orders have not yet trusted Pandora with access to their Prometheus Chambers. A few dedicated researchers continue the search for the legendary psiads.

Background Information[]

  • In Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman, created by Hephaestus. She was given a jar (textual corruption in the 16th century renders the jar as "Pandora's box") containing all the evils of the world. She opened the jar, loosing all the evils, but then closed the lid. Only Hope remained inside. In this metaphor, psiads represent the Hope.

