Project Cyclops was a group dedicated to investigation of exotic flora and fauna encountered by agents of the Æon Society. It was a sister organization to Project Talos (unusual objects) and Project Argonaut (locations). Much of their research was on items previously collected into the Babel Dossier, or on items destined to end up there.
Cyclops was initially founded to catalogue interesting flora and fauna discovered by the Æon Society, ranging from rare-but-mundane discoveries to bizarre flux-infused life forms.
After the disappearance of Project Talos, director Jason Falconeri created a new joint splinter initiative between Cyclops and Argonaut in 1963: Polyphemus.
Much of Cyclops' esoteric research was handled under Polyphemus, while the main body of the Project focused increasingly on more mundane applications, after it was brought under the Triton Foundation in 1986. Their goals expanded to cover research on plants, animals, and ecology that might yield valuable data for Triton's pharmaceutical research.
Æon Era[]
Project Cyclops remains under Triton in the 22nd century, expanding its research to cover xenobiology: the study of alien life forms. They trade medical information with the Qin, and study recovered Chromatic and Coalition cadavers in hopes of learning more about those species.
Background Information[]

- In Greek mythology, the Cyclops was a giant humanoid creature with a single eye on its face. The cyclops may have been inspired when Greeks saw the skulls of elephants and mistook the large nasal cavity for an eye socket.
- TC: Storypath Tasty Bit: Polyphemus, p. 1
- TC: Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Rulebook, p. 109
- TC: Trinity Continuum: Æon Rulebook, p. 186