Pharaoh's Lightkeepers are a mysterious organization dedicated to doing good, via specialized task forces of hand-picked experts, led by a mysterious person identifying themselves as "Pharos."
Although the first known use of the Lightkeeper name was in 1948, evidence suggests the organization has been around for much longer, perhaps as early as the end of the 18th century.
The leader of the organization is Pharos. While most communications are handled by intermediaries or handlers, Pharos will occasionally appear "in person," as a distorted silhouette on a TV display with an electronically-disguised voice. No one's entirely sure who Pharos is, but rumours have included everyone from Max Mercer to the Freemasons.
When a crisis develops, Pharos assembles a group of experts specifically to deal with that particular threat. If individuals work well together, they may be brought back for future missions. Particularly well-suited groups may be kept together on a permanent basis.
Background Information[]

Pharaoh's Lightkeepers Trio
- The Lightkeepers were inspired by media where a mysterious voice or person controls one or more cells of experts: Charlie's Angels, Global Frequency, Person of Interest, the Juggernaut Collective of Deus Ex, etc.
- The name is a reference to one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, also known as the Pharos of Alexandria. "Pharos" is both the peninsula in Egypt on which the lighthouse was built, and the lighthouse itself. "Pharos" and "Pharaoh's" are near-homonyms; both make sense given the context, but one could easily be mistaken for the other, suggesting an inherited error from decades or centuries in the past. One might assume that the leader of the Pharaoh's Lightkeepers calls himself the Pharaoh, but this is not the case.
- The illustration on p. 181 was originally intended to be the center member of a trio, akin to the iconic Charlie's Angels silhouette. The rightmost member is the hacker found in the Æon Society section on page 165, and the third member was ultimately unused.
- A century in the future, a covert organization called Section Minerva identifies themselves with a lighthouse pin.
- TC: Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook, p. 180-183
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