The Nova Força Nacional (New National Force), or Norça, are the biokinesis Psi Order based out of Sudamérica, and are a former freedom-fighting rebel force with an almost cult-like pull on its members. It is overseen by Proxy Giuseppe del Fuego.[1]
In the years after the Aberrant War, many Sudamérican nations rushed to recover, with little regard for their natural environments as they did. An environmental activist group known as Nossa Força Verde (Our Green Power) rose to combat this tendency, and their actions were largely a success. Members often contracted Our Power -- nossa força -- to simply "norça."
Charismatic leader Giuseppe del Fuego disappeared for some time, and when he reappeared in 2104, he stated Norça would no longer mean "Our Power," but instead be a "New Strength," and the modern Norça, meaning "Nova Força Nacional" -- New National Strength -- was born.
Del Fuego kept the order intimate, even as it grew. He continues to personally meet every single psion as they emerge from the biokinetic Prometheus Chamber. As such, the order operates more as an extended family. Beyond del Fuego himself, the organizational structure is fairly flat, with no major factions or divisions.
Background Information[]
- The Norça had their origins in Æon's first edition rulebook, although in their original appearance they were more of a drug cartel gone legitimate.
- The Norça symbol is a closed fist making the letter "N" in American Sign Language.
- TC: Trinity Continuum: Æon Rulebook, p. 162-167
- TC: Prometheus Unbound, p. 104-121
- ↑ TC: Trinity Continuum: Æon Rulebook, p. 22
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