The Onyx Path Wiki

The Inspired are a category of enhanced human in the Trinity Continuum, with abilities above and beyond most of humanity. The term is used in two different contexts: first, as a general descriptor for anyone with these unusual abilities. Second, as a specific identifier for those whose particular abilities allow the use of Dramatic Editing. Under this second definition, an Adventure!-era mesmerist would count as Inspired, while an Aberrant-era psiad would not.[1]

A General Term[]

There are three main classes of Inspired:

A Specific Term[]

Following the Hammersmith Incident in the 1920s, the three types of powered individuals who manifested -- daredevils, stalwarts, and mesmerists -- were all considered Inspired due to the specific mixture of the ambient telluric energy. This particular phenomenon has also been blamed on the Doyen energy barrier placed around the solar system, preventing humans from advancing their powers beyond a certain point.

As time went on and ambient energies further distinguished themselves, only daredevils (later called Talents) maintained the ability to use Dramatic Editing. For those in the know, by the modern period the terms "Inspired" and "Talented" were often synonymous.

