The Onyx Path Wiki

Francis Smith was working on a miniaturized hydrogen fusion engine when a miscalculation threw him from his lab to our own dimension. Unfortunately, the engine was destroyed in the incident, so Francis has no easy way of getting home. He could theoretically build a new engine to reverse the process, but the matter is complicated because Francis is a four-foot-long cephalopod.

He steals what he can, and his experiments to return home often create flux events through which all manner of extra-dimensional creatures break through. Francis doesn't care about the havoc he leaves on Earth, so long as he leaves it.[1]

Background Information[]

  • The Kickstarter backer release of the TC: Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print! contained a different illustration of Francis Smith, however it was felt that his cunning disguise, while fun, was not appropriate for the feel of the setting, so a new piece of art featuring a more malevolent-looking Francis was commissioned for the final product. A fedora would, however, be appropriate in the context of Trinity Continuum: Adventure!, so the idea was recycled for that book in the form of Felicia Smith.


