The Onyx Path Wiki

The Federal States of America is an authoritarian regime that encompasses the majority of North America post-2062. Created by a military and corporate takeover of the United States during the Aberrant War, the FSA then conquered Mexico and Canada for its arable land.[1][2]



In 2054, nova Felice Taylor accidentally swept a series of megatsunamis across Florida, killing millions and transforming it into islands.

In 2061, aberrant Calvert Wycoff created a massive crater that established a Quantum Flux Zone now known as Wycoff's Blight in the middle of the USA's agricultural belt.

Rise of the Military-Corporate Complex[]

During the blights brought on by the Aberrant War, the US Military was able to seize munitions and rations then declared itself independent from the civilian US government. Opportunistic politicians quickly enlisted with the military government.

After the annexation of Canada and Mexico, the military turned to Christianity to act as a motivator to sooth the public's conscience. The corporations that profited from the conflict consolidated with the military government creating corporate run territories that supplied resources to the military backed government, this became the birth of the Federal States of America.

Current Day[]

The FSA presents a facade of a meritocracy, but the truth is any time an individual rises to First Class citizenship its to perpetuate a myth that hard work is rewarded, when in fact its more profitable to have fewer First Class citizens.

Corporate rivalry is encouraged by the FSA so long as no national damage is caused. Corporations often attack one another to reduce the number of votes a rival has.

FSA is currently at odds with both Sudamérica and the United African Nations.

FSA often employs telepaths to root out traitors and revolutionaries.


  • Second-class Citizen - If a person has at least one parent that's an FSA citizen, you gain Second-class citizenship. This grants some individual rights.
  • First-class Citizen - Every ¥10,000 paid in taxes earns an individual 1 vote, those with 3 or more votes is a First-class citizen. This grants full protection for their property and rights, grants right to procedural justice, and are allowed right to bear firearms. Many corporations count as First-class Citizens.
  • Non-citizens - Immigrants and refugees that can never become Second-class Citizens, but with enough wealth can become First-class Citizens.


