The Onyx Path Wiki

Eximorphs are those Inspired who are able to manipulate Quantum energies. Although their powers are incredibly wide-ranging, as they manipulate the fundamental forces of reality, they tend to be physical abilities which alter their own bodies. It's more common for an eximorph to be able to set themselves on fire, than to be able to shoot fire, for example.

Eximorphs are the result of a specific genetic sequence, a "switch" which gets flipped based on the amount of ambient quantum energies in the environment.

Unfortunately, the human body isn't really designed for channeling high degrees of quantum power, which may lead to the accumulation of Quantum Flux, known informally in the Æon era as Corruption.

There are two major groupings of eximorph:


Although the circumstances which generated the ambient quantum field necessary for an eximorph to erupt may have been -- and usually are -- artificially-created, the human body's reaction to that quantum field is a natural one.

  • Stalwarts are a low-powered quantum user common in the Adventure! era, roughly equivalent to a Talent in power level.
  • Novas are a high-powered form of quantum user common in the Aberrant era. They can potentially reach incredible heights of power, bending the laws of physics in unfathomable ways.
    • The incredible power of novas can lead to the development of Aberrants, novas who have accumulated high degrees of Quantum Flux, making them inhuman in thought and physically twisted so as to be nearly unrecognizable as having been human. Thanks to a combination of novas pushing themselves in the Aberrant War, and ambient Quantum Flux left in the environment after the War, many former and newly-erupted novas are Aberrants, although some novas escaped Corruption.


  • Jinketsu, or Superiors, are created by Nippon in the Æon era. When mandatory genetic testing reveals the genetic sequence which may lead to eruption as a nova, Nippon puts that individual through the Nakamura Process. The process provides a controlled eruption, with the resulting "Jinketsu" essentially becoming an artificially-created Stalwart. They're often provided with cyberware, which provides a cover and explanation for their enhanced capabilities.

The Æon Society's Project Utopia specializes in research into eximorphs. Utopia was heavily overhauled and thrust into the limelight following N-Day. After the Aberrant War, Project Utopia is largely persona non grata in the public eye. Studies into quantum users are shifted to Project Ceto, formerly Utopia's research arm.
