The Onyx Path Wiki

Real-life Events[]

  • 2024
    • Released:
      • TCfC!: Operation: Lost in Reverie: A CLASSIFIED! Jumpstart Buy it from DriveThruRPG!

Trinity Continuum Events[]

  • 2018
    • Triton Foundation researchers Drs. Henri Mazarin and Farah Rashoud release their initial findings on novas, including detection of Mazarin-Rashoud flux detected in brain scans, M-R coils in cellular examinations. Their findings suggest novas manipulate the four fundamental quantum forces: gravity, electromagetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. The findings reinforce the use of "baseline" in the public dialog to refer to non-novas, and the association of the buzzword "quantum" with novas and their powers.[1]
  • 2022
    • A Tokyo subway bombing draws attention to a Buddhist sect called Kamisama Buddhism. Three Kamisama fanatics are charged, although their leader, Bodhisattva Masato, denounces them and denies all knowledge of the attack. Investigation indicates the fanatics were trying to create an "eruption crisis" to force others to erupt as novas, or perhaps even become novas themselves.[2][3][4]


December 3 December December 5