The Onyx Path Wiki
The Onyx Path Wiki

Real-life Events[]

  • 2016
    • Released:
      • OPP: Storypath System Brochure (Scion) Buy it from DriveThruRPG!

Trinity Continuum Events[]

  • 2066
    • Saris Harutyunyan erupts on the outskirts of Yerevan, Armenia. Within a microsecond, the force of his eruption carves out a cavity a hundred meters in diameter and teleports it with him outside of the flow of time. Authorities, not knowing the identity of the nova, dub him "The Singularity." Harutyunyan, the lost city, and its inhabitants won't be seen again until 2121.[1]


  1. TC: Prometheus Unbound, p. 58 Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print!

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