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Armor Tags are qualities that can be applied to armor equipment.

List of Armor Tags[]

Trinity Continuum Core
Name Rating Description Ref.
Hard Armor 1 or 3 Grants 1 or 2 additional Injury Condition boxes. TC pg 127
Soft Armor 1 or 2 Increase cost of Inflict Injury on wearer by 1 per rating. TC pg 127
Composite Armor 2 Protects against 2 damage types instead of 1. TC pg 127
Concealable 2 Requires Analyze roll to identify clothing as armor. TC pg 127
Innocuous 2 Looks like normal clothes. TC pg 127
Trinity Continuum: Assassins
Name Rating Description Ref.
Active Camo 2 +2 Enhancement bonus on Stealth and user disappears. TC:As pg 178
Biometric Duplicator 2 Duplicates biometric data of target. TC:As pg 178
Chameleon Mask 3 +4 Enhancement to impersonate someone. TC:As pg 178
Chemical Injector 2 Ignore Bruised Injury conditions. TC:As pg 178
Distracting Scarf 2 +1 Enhancement to Defense rolls in Close Combat. TC:As pg 178
Goggles 1 per X-ray, nightvision, or thermal vision. TC:As pg 178
Hardened 1 +1 Enhancement against electrical interference. TC:As pg 178
Jet Boots 2 Once per session, flight. TC:As pg 178
Magnetic Field 3 +2 Enhanment to Defense against ballitic weapons. TC:As pg 178
Nanites 3 Heals 2 Injury Condition, at end of every fight. TC:As pg 178
Sound-Dampened Boots 1 Increase Difficulty to notice by 2. TC:As pg 179
Staged Death 1 +3 Enhancement to fake death. TC:As pg 179
Suit 1 +1 Enhancement to Command rolls. TC:As pg 179
Trinity Continuum: AEon
Name Rating Description Ref.
Active Camouflage 0 or 1 +1 or 2 to Stealth rolls. TC:Æ pg 268
Complete 3 Armor covers all 3 damage types. TC:Æ pg 269
Defensive 2 Injures unarmed attackers. TC:Æ pg 269
Environmental 0-2 Protects against environmental hazards. TC:Æ pg 269
Powered 0 +2 Enhancement to all Might rolls, but is useless without power. TC:Æ pg 269
Propulsion 1 Grants an additional mode of movement; such as flight, tunneling, or spacewalk. TC:Æ pg 269
Psi -1 Bioware armor that gains additional traits, but can hurt wearer if destroyed TC:Æ pg 269

