The Onyx Path Wiki

An aqua is a human whose body has been modified for living underwater.

There are two types of aquas: amphibious humans known as phibs, and fully aquatic humans that can breathe both air and water, known as selkies.[1] When speaking generally of aquas, it's typically in reference to phibs, with selkies getting separate special mention.


  • 2023: Spurred by the development of the gill breather, full genetic aqua transformations are developed.[2]
  • 2028: The first selkie aqua genetic transformations are created. This more radical transformation gives aquas actual gills, but makes movement out of the water more difficult.[2]
  • 2040: Both regular aqua generic transformations and selkie aqua transformations are fully-developed and are now heritable.[2]
  • 2057: In the midst of the Aberrant War, Aberrants destroy Australia's single underwater city, Down Under. The attack kills most of the inhabitants, including everyone without aqua adaptions.[2]
  • 2108: The Tiwi Littoral Republic, a community of Aboriginal aquas in Australia "at war" with Oceania, "secedes" and becomes a micronation.[3]

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