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Anomaly Powers are special powers used by Anomoly.

List of Anomoly Powers[]

Trinity Continuum Core
Name Description Ref.
Enhanced Attack Add Weapon Tag of rating 2 or less to one of user's attacks. TC pg 139
Extraordinary Speed +1 Scale for Speed TC pg 139
Flight Gain flight speed which can move two rangebands. TC pg 139
Hardened Skin Gain 1 Soft Armor for each instance of this power. TC pg 139
Heightened Reflexes Add +1 to Defense for each instance of this power. TC pg 139
Hyper Intelligent Gain 1 super-science device and all skill rolls use either Primary or Secondary dicepools. TC pg 139
Inspired Gain Inspiration rating equal to Desperation Pool. Can purchase Talent Gifts as Anomaly Powers. TC pg 139
Multi-limbed Uses higher of dicepools for mixed actions. TC pg 139
Natural Weapons Always armed, +1 Enhancement, Natural weapon cannot be disarmed or destroyed. TC pg 140
Spitter Gain natural ranged weapon. TC pg 140
Trinity Continuum Adventure
Name Description Ref.
Alter Environment User creates a Field Complication. TC:Ad 273
Colony User is made up of multiple Minor threats that can split off. TC:Ad 273
Corporeal Escape Requires Possession. Once per session, when Taken Out, switch to a spare body. TC:Ad 273
Discorporate User becomes incorporeal for 1 round. TC:Ad 273
Entrap (Type) User creates a Complication that engulfs nearby targets if not bought off. TC:Ad 273
Flux Beast Dramatic Editing is easier to do around this creature, but Gift and Extraordinary Effort costs are increased by 1. TC:Ad 274
Insubstantial Form User turns into gaseous form. TC:Ad 274
Possession User has alternate host bodies it can use that are usually Storyguide characters. TC:Ad 274
Power Thief Using Inspiration around user regains the user 1 Source. TC:Ad 274
Seeking the Sky Power Scale and Durability is increased when in open areas. TC:Ad 274
Size Add +1 Size Scale per instance of this ability. TC:Ad pg 275
Space Shift In response to an attack, user teleports itself and all characters within same range band to a new field. TC:Ad pg 275
Spawn (Type) User summons a threat of the listed Type. TC:Ad pg 275
Telluric Construct User can reconsitute itself at 1 Health if Taken Out. TC:Ad pg 275
Tunneling User can burrow through any solide matter, short of fortified constructions. TC:Ad pg 275
Unconventional Attack User can attack with a non-standard dicepool. TC:Ad pg 275
Unliving User doesn't suffer damage or complications from biological needs. TC:Ad pg 275
Variable Immunity After being damaged, user is immune to that damage type till their next action. TC:Ad pg 275
Walking Disaster User creates difficult terrain or Field Complication when they move. TC:Ad pg 275
Trinity Continuum: Aeon (Aberrant Qualities)
Name Description Ref.
Armor Soft Armor 2 and additional Armor tags based on Corruption. TC:Æ pg 333
Armor Piercing Prequisites: Divergent or higher Archetype. Ignore Soft Armor penalties. TC:Æ pg 333
Baleful Touch User's attack does extra Injury Condition at Injury Complication level and attack does ongoing damage. TC:Æ pg 333
Blast User's attack gains Quality 2 tag and additional Weapon tags based on Corruption. TC:Æ pg 333
Collateral Damage Prerequisite: Nemesis or higher Archetype. When User's attack deals damage the immediate area gains Difficult Terrain quality. TC:Æ pg 333
Colony Prerequisite: Divergent or higher archetype. Attacks against user suffer Complication 2, unless have Explosive, Gas, or Spread tag. TC:Æ pg 333
Disembodied Prerequisite: Nemesis or higher Archetype. User can possess non-player characters or machines. Can only be destroyed via specific psionic Aptitudes. TC:Æ pg 333
Flight User can ignore Difficult and Dangerous Terrain. TC:Æ pg 334
Invunerability Prerequisite: Divergent or higher Archetype. Immunity to 1 source of damage. TC:Æ pg 334
Life Drain Prerequisite: Nemesis or higher Archetype. After a successful attack, user gains +1 Enhancement to Close Combat while target suffers a Complication 1 on physical rolls. TC:Æ pg 334
Monsterous Presence Prerequisite: Nemesis or higher Archetype. Only Tier 2 or Higher characters can oppose or attack user. TC:Æ pg 334
Multi-tasking User uses higher pool on mixed actions. TC:Æ pg 334
Psychic Disbelief Prerequisite: Divergent or higher Archetype. User cannot be targeted by Path actions and attempts to trick allies into assisting against the user gain Difficulty 2. TC:Æ pg 334
Quantum Flare Prerequisite: Nemesis or higher Archetype. User increases Defense when they take damage. TC:Æ pg 334
Regeneration Prerequisite: Nemesis or higher Archetype. User heals 1 Injury Condition each round, but is vunerable to 1 Damage type. TC:Æ pg 334
Swarm One Divergent or higher Archetype Aberrant is designated leader. Other antagonists with Swarm trait gain bonuses to attacking the same target so long as the Leader is still alive. TC:Æ pg 335
Unseen User has invisibility and can make surprise attacks in the middle of combat. But must take a Vunerability that the Invisibility doesn't work against. TC:Æ pg 335
Unstoppable Prerequisite: Nemesis or higher Archetype. User gains +1 to Size scale. TC:Æ pg 335

