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Trinity Continuum: 2067


  • 2018-2067: The Nova Age.[1][2]
  • 2052-2067: Deep engages in genetic engineering and her own ability to control sea life in order to create a new form of intelligent aquatic life: crablings.[3]
  • 2056-2067: The Aberrant War ends with the Earth Strike Ultimatum, also known as the Chinese Ultimatum. China plays "chicken" with Aberrants, decreeing that they must all leave Earth, or China's orbital weapons platforms will bombard the Earth. Aberrants flee the solar system.[4][5][6][2][7] China stands down, and the United Nations pass the Inhuman Technology Protocols, banning a number of Nova Age technologies. Æon Trinity subjects information about such technologies to Project ReWrite.[8] 31 sane and loyal novas secretly remain in Nippon.[9]
  • 2066-2067: The Possession Crisis. Aberrant Mungu "Backlash" Kuwasha takes control of networked machines around the world in an effort to create a society of perfect machines. When his efforts are thwarted, he crashes the OpNet in retaliation. While most data is salvaged, some is lost. Full recovery takes nearly five years.[5][7]
  • Just prior to the Chinese Ultimatum, one of the members of the Space Brigade becomes the scapegoat for all the Brigade's problems. Furious, it left the relative safety of Olympus with its followers, leaving to Hadley Rille, and creating the Hadley Anomaly as a space for its followers to live.[10]


  • 2067-2075: The Possession Crisis ends with the Crash, the wiping of the OpNet and all connected devices. The Crash leads to the Urban Schism. The world slowly begins to recover from the Aberrant War.[4][5][7]



2066 2000s