The Onyx Path Wiki
Other Timelines

Trinity Continuum: 2062


  • By this time, the world is engulfed in war.[1]


  • January 12: An American sub overshoots the Canadian sub it was targeting, and accidentally destroys Project Jonah. As the facility was top-secret, with the destruction of the facility and the Canadian government, soon no humans are left who are aware that the facility exists.[2]


  • Facing a nationwide famine, the United States invades Mexico as part of the first wave of Operation Catalpa to acquire their farmland, beginning the formation of the Federated States of America.[3][4][5][6]


  • The Battle of Kuala Lumpur. All residents of Kuala Lumpur who still possess Electric Dragon's neural implants transform into terrifying monsters of flesh and metal as dormant nanites are activated. As the cyborgs attacked and transformed other residents, the city began to transform as well. The attack may have fully transformed in a single day if it had not been for the actions of the city's AI, Silver River, who stalled the attack until the Chinese army arrived and killed Electric Dragon. Once the battle was over, Silver River seemingly vanished.[3][7]


2061 2000s