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Other Timelines

Trinity Continuum: 2026


  • Sabotage charges against environmental activist Étoile Norquay are dropped.[1]
  • Team Tomorrow helps the Canadian government contain a series of oil pipeline mishaps.[1]
  • Canada's 2026 Census shows a sharp increase in the percentage of nationalized immigrants compared to the 2016 Census, thanks to the Refugee Protection Act of 2020 and the rise in Canadian-landed refugees fleeing from the Equatorial Wars.[1] Unfortunately, the rise in transient unemployment rates is one factor which strengthens nationalist and supremacist sentiment among Canadians.[2]
  • A nova claiming allegiance to the Mara Salvatrucha attacks military and civilian targets across Guatemala and Honduras, but after a confrontation with T2M-Americas, self-destructed before the claim could be confirmed.[3]
  • Rumors begin to circulate of a Cartel Confederation in South America.[4]
  • Pope Francis is succeeded by Pope Gregory XVII.[5]
  • Psyche's vacation to a Croatian seaside resort causes tourism to jump almost 30% over the previous year.[6]
  • After having limped along over the last several years since the introduction of hyperfusion, OPEC dissolves altogether by the end of this year.[7]
  • Michael Stanley erupts as a nova, taking on the name "Bloodhound." He manifests a quantum projection, a large dog named Bowser.[8]
  • Gay man Sean Jaffe is beaten outside a queer club in London, later dying from his injuries. His boyfriend, Utopia nova Voyager, quits Utopia to work full-time with the Queer Nova Alliance.[9]


  • The Triton Foundation announces its treatment for breast cancer has effectively eliminated the disease.[10]


  • OpTek Cyber Products is founded in Detroit, a tech startup focused on human/machine interfaces and advancements using eufiber and related technologies. This begins a trend of new tech startups in Detroit leveraging available factory infrastructure and taking advantage of tax incentives.[10][11]


  • Scientists at the international research station on Mars discover native microorganisms, the first known non-terrestrial life-forms.[10] The discovery fuels interest in extrasolar exploration.[12]
  • Japan passes a law which bans internal combustion engines within 12 months, requiring all vehicles and equipment after that point to be electrically powered.[10]
  • April 15: The US Department of Homeland Security issues Project Stakeholder, a report which, in part, denounces the Carter document on recommendations on dealing with novas. Stakeholder proposes secretly hijacking the crowdfunding campaigns of existing novas, giving novas assignments via high-tier pledges, while maintaining deniability.[13]


  • Stage one of Operation Eden is complete, having terraformed the Ethiopian Highlands into a lush grassland. A grateful Ethiopian government grants Project Utopia a large tract of land for a new headquarters complex in Addis Ababa.[10]



2025 2000s