Other Timelines |
Real life: 2019 Scion: 2019 They Came From: 2019 |
Trinity Continuum: 2019 |
- January 9:
- Released: CTD: Concordia Map Poster
- Released: CTD: Concordia Map Poster
- January 24: Onyx Path's 34th crowdfunding campaign, for a traditional print run of the TCfBtS!: They Came from Beneath the Sea! Rulebook for retail, ends with 239% of its original $20,000 goal.
- January 30:
- Released:
- MOM: Monarchies of Mau Community Content Assets for Canis Minor
- Exalted: Hundred Devils Night Parade part 21: Northern Ursidae and Forest Strider
- Exalted: Adversaries of the Righteous part 15: Ninegala, Forge Goddess of Makelo
- MOM: Monarchies of Mau Community Content Assets for Canis Minor
- Released:
- February 12: Onyx Path's 35th crowdfunding campaign, for a deluxe edition of Exalted: Lunars: Fangs at the Gate , begins.
- February 20:
- Released: WTO: Map of Stygia
- Released: WTO: Map of Stygia
- February 28:
- Released: Scion: Scion 1e Complete bundle
- Released: Scion: Scion 1e Complete bundle
- March 13:
- Released: Exalted: False Images
- Released: Exalted: False Images
- March 14: Onyx Path's 35th crowdfunding campaign, for a deluxe edition of Exalted: Lunars: Fangs at the Gate , ends with 481% of the original $60,000 goal.
- March 20:
- Released: ROP: Roll of Good Dogs and Excellent Cats
- Released: ROP: Roll of Good Dogs and Excellent Cats
- March 26: Onyx Path's 36th crowdfunding campaign, for a prestige edition of CofD: The Contagion Chronicle for retail distribution, begins.
- April 3:
- Released: Exalted: Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought
- Released: Exalted: Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought
- April 10:
- Released: MTAs: Gods & Monsters
- Released: MTAs: Gods & Monsters
- April 25: Onyx Path's 36th crowdfunding campaign, for a prestige edition of CofD: The Contagion Chronicle for retail distribution, ends with 152% of the original $50,000 goal.
- May 21: Onyx Path's 37th crowdfunding campaign, for a traditional print run of RoP: Pirates of Pugmire for retail distribution, begins.
- May 22:
- Released:
- June 12:
- Released:
- June 19:
- Released:
- SL: Blood Sea: The Crimson Abyss 5e
- MTAw: Signs of Sorcery
- SL: Blood Sea: The Crimson Abyss 5e
- Released:
- June 20: Onyx Path's 37th crowdfunding campaign, for a traditional print run of RoP: Pirates of Pugmire for retail distribution, ends with 119% of the original $40,000 goal.
- July 2: Onyx Path's 38th crowdfunding campaign, for a traditional print run of the TC: Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Rulebook for retail distribution, begins.
- July 10:
- Released: WTF: Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon
- Released: WTF: Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon
- July 30: Onyx Path's 38th crowdfunding campaign, for a traditional print run of the TC: Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Rulebook for retail distribution, ends with 313% of the original $40,000 goal.
- August 14
- Released: WTO: The Book of Oblivion
- Released: WTO: The Book of Oblivion
- September 4
- Released: WTF: Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon
- Released: WTF: Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon
- September 11:
- Released: TC: Trinity Continuum: Aberrant – You Are Not Alone
- Released: TC: Trinity Continuum: Aberrant – You Are Not Alone
- September 12: Onyx Path's 39th crowdfunding campaign, for a traditional print run of the SL: Scarred Lands Creature Collection for 5e for retail distribution, begins.
- September 19: Onyx Path's 40th crowdfunding campaign, for a prestige edition of the DTR: Deviant: The Renegades Rulebook for retail distribution, begins.
- October 9:
- Released:
- Pugmire: Pugmire Core Rulebook Phone PDF
- COM: Witch-Queen of the Shadowed Citadel
- Pugmire: Pugmire Core Rulebook Phone PDF
- Released:
- October 12: Onyx Path's 39th crowdfunding campaign, for a traditional print run of the SL: Scarred Lands Creature Collection for 5e for retail distribution, ends with 421% of the original $15,000 goal.
- October 17: Onyx Path's 40th crowdfunding campaign, for a prestige edition of the DTR: Deviant: The Renegades Rulebook for retail distribution, ends with 236% of the original $35,000 goal.
- October 23:
- Released:
- DRE: Trouble on the Steel Pier: A Dystopia Rising: Evolution Jumpstart
- DRE: Trouble on the Steel Pier: A Dystopia Rising: Evolution Jumpstart
- Released:
- November 3:
- Released: SL: Scarred Lands Booster
for Expedition
- Released: SL: Scarred Lands Booster
- November 5: Onyx Path's 41st crowdfunding campaign, for a prestige edition of MTC: Mummy: The Curst 2nd Edition for retail distribution, begins.
- November 6:
- Released: WTA: Art of Werewolf: The Apocalypse
- Released: WTA: Art of Werewolf: The Apocalypse
- November 20:
- Released: Scion: Scion 2nd Edition - Book One: Origin Phone PDF
- Released: Scion: Scion 2nd Edition - Book One: Origin Phone PDF
- December 4:
- Released:
- TC: Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook
- TC: Trinity Continuum: Æon Rulebook
- TC: Trinity Continuum and Æon PDF bundle
- TC: Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook
- Released:
- December 5: Onyx Path's 41st crowdfunding campaign, for a prestige edition of MTC: Mummy: The Curst 2nd Edition for retail distribution, ends with 253% of the original $25,000 goal.
- December 11:
- Released:
- December 17: Onyx Path's 42nd crowdfunding campaign, for a traditional print run of VTM: Cults of the Blood Gods for retail distribution, begins.
- December 18:
- Released:
2018 | 2000s 2010s |
2020 |