Other Timelines |
Real life: 2017 Scion: 2017 They Came From: 2017 |
Trinity Continuum: 2017 |
- March 21: Onyx Path's 23rd crowdfunding campaign, for a traditional print run of VTM: The Prince's Gambit , begins.
- April 20: Onyx Path's 23rd crowdfunding campaign, for a traditional print run of VTM: The Prince's Gambit , ends with 668% of its original $7000 goal.
- April 26:
- VTM: Lore of the Bloodlines
- Wave 1 of Onyx Path's fiction is added to the Amazon Kindle store
- VTM: Lore of the Bloodlines
- May 16: Onyx Path's 24th crowdfunding campaign, for a traditional print run of the RoP: Monarchies of Mau Core Rulebook for retail, begins.
- May 24:
- Exalted: The Tomb of Dreams
- Exalted: Adversaries of the Righteous 2: The Broker and Ifraja the Librarian
- Exalted: Hundred Devils Night Parade 1: Doppelganger and Mata-Yadh
- Wave 2 of Onyx Path's fiction is added to the Amazon Kindle store
- Exalted: The Tomb of Dreams
- June 1: Wave 1 of Onyx Path's fiction is added to the Barnes & Noble Nook store
- June 14:
- MTAw: Dark Eras: To the Strongest
- Wave 2 of Onyx Path's fiction is added to the Barnes & Noble Nook store
- MTAw: Dark Eras: To the Strongest
- June 15: Onyx Path's 24th crowdfunding campaign, for a traditional print run of the RoP: Monarchies of Mau Core Rulebook for retail, ends with 593% of its original $20,000 goal.
- June 28:
- VTR/CTL: Dark Eras: Requiem for Regina
- Exalted: Adversaries of the Righteous 3: Cynis Borok and Regara Feria
- Exalted: Hundred Devils Night Parade 2: Strix and Zicnal
- Wave 3 of Onyx Path's fiction is added to the Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble Nook stores
- VTR/CTL: Dark Eras: Requiem for Regina
- July 6: Onyx Path's 25th crowdfunding campaign, for a prestige print run of CofD: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2 , begins.
- July 18:
- Pugmire: Pugmire Interactive Character Sheet
- Pugmire: Pugmire Interactive Character Sheet
- August 5: Onyx Path's 25th crowdfunding campaign, for a prestige print run of CofD: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2 , ends with 151% of its original $40,000 goal.
- September 6:
- TC: Trinity Continuum: Æon poster
(with logo)
- TC: Trinity Continuum: Æon poster
(without logo)
- DTD: Dark Eras: After The Fall
- TC: Trinity Continuum: Æon poster
- September 19: Onyx Path's 26th crowdfunding campaign, for a traditional print run of the CoM: Cavaliers of Mars Core Rulebook , begins.
- October 4:
- GTS: Dark Eras: God's Own Country
- Wave 3 of Onyx Path's fiction is added to the Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble Nook stores
- GTS: Dark Eras: God's Own Country
- October 17: COM: Cavaliers of Mars Core Rulebook
- October 19: Onyx Path's 26th crowdfunding campaign, for a traditional print run of the CoM: Cavaliers of Mars Core Rulebook , ends with 768% of its original $5,000 goal.
- November 8:
- Pugmire: Pugmire Card Set 1: Trick, Condition, and Initiative
- Onyx Path releases an OPP: Onyx Dice dicerolling app, available for iOS and Android.
- Pugmire: Pugmire Card Set 1: Trick, Condition, and Initiative
- November 14: Onyx Path's 27th crowdfunding campaign, for a prestige print run of CofD: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition , begins.
- December 6: Pugmire: Thank You, Darcy Cat
- December 14: Onyx Path's 27th crowdfunding campaign, for a prestige print run of CofD: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition , ends with 333% of its original $50,000 goal.
2016 | 2000s 2010s |
2018 |