Other Timelines |
Real life: 2014 Scion: 2014 They Came From: 2014 |
Trinity Continuum: 2014 |
- January 8: Released:
- January 22:
- Onyx Path's ninth Kickstarter, for a deluxe edition of Anarchs Unbound, begins.[1]
- Released:
- January 29: Released:
- February 5: Released:
- February 14: Released:
- February 21: The Deluxe Edition Anarchs Unbound Kickstarter ends with with 710 backers contributing $56,731, 141% of the original $40,000 goal.[1]
- March 3: Onyx Path's tenth Kickstarter, for a deluxe edition of Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition, begins.[2]
- March 24: Released:
- April 1: Released:
- April 2: The Deluxe Edition Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition Kickstarter ends with with 3,926 backers contributing $672,899, 961% of the original $70,000 goal.[2]
- April 9: Released:
- April 30: Released:
- May 7: Released:
- May 20: Released:
- May 22: Released:
- June 2: Art Director Michael Chaney and office manager Lisa Thomas join Rich Thomas as the second and third Onyx Path employees.[3]
- Released: Dig A Thousand Holes Publishing: Worlds Without Master, Volume 1, Issue 4
, Story "Two Swords of Mars"
- June 23: Released:
- June 25: Released:
- June 27: Released:
- July 3: The Deluxe Edition W20 Book of the Wyrm Kickstarter ends with with 1,359 backers contributing $103,135, 258% of the original $40,000 goal.[4]
- July 9: Released:
- July 28: Released:
- August 20: Released:
- September 3: Released:
- VTM: Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition Poster
- Scion: Scion Second Edition Poster
- VTM: Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition Poster
- September 4: Released:
- TC: Trinity Continuum Poster
- TC: Trinity Continuum Poster
- September 24: Released:
- October 1: Released:
- October 8: Released:
- October 29: Released:
- November 5: Released:
- November 6: The Deluxe Edition V20 Dark Ages Kickstarter ends with with 2,141 backers contributing $281,392, 703% of the original $40,000 goal.[5]
- November 12: Released:
- December 2: Onyx Path's 13th Kickstarter, for a deluxe edition of Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition, begins.[6]
- December 10: Released:
- December 24: 2013's Blood and Smoke: The Strix Chronicle and its associated products are rereleased with the Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition branding.
- December 31: Released:
2013 | 2000s 2010s |
2015 |