Other Timelines |
Real life: 1880 Scion: 1880 They Came From: 1880 |
Trinity Continuum: 1880 |
- Nikola Tesla, while experimenting with electricity, discovers a variant which sparks green, and doesn't behave like normal electricity. He dubs this new phenomenon "Aether."[2][3][4]
- Achyut Bhaduri recieves a vision of a rakshasa attacking a giant snake on the banks of the Ganges. He takes some monks to investigate, finding an angler named Prabir who preyed upon other villages, drinking their blood and eating their flesh. After banishing the evil spirit, Prabir devots his life to Kali and joins the Prongs to appease his karmic dept.[5]
1879 | 1800s 1880s |
1881 |