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The Æsculapian Order is the vitakinesis psi order based out of Europe, and is the largest international emergency services organization. It's overseen by Proxy Dr. Matthieu Zweidler.[1]


The Order was founded in 2043 as an EU-based organization dedicated to providing relief from nova-related disasters. As the Aberrant War grew closer, the Order grew. By 2057 it was fully international. By the time the war ended, they were in an excellent position to help humanity recover from the Crash.

In 2086, Dr. Zweidler took over as director. Under his leadership, the Order expanded throughout the solar system, becoming the primary agency to deal with disasters ranging from hurricanes and earthquakes to off-world life-system failures.


The order is largely split between the official headquarters at the Montressor facility in Basel, Switzerland, which focuses on medical research, and the "second headquarters" Port-au-Prince facility built in Haiti in 2113. This second facility focuses on disaster relief and preparation, and also serves as a site for cooperative projects with other psi orders.

Background Information[]

  • Like the Æon Trinity, Zweidler has a love of Greek mythology. Although he didn't name the Order itself (after Æsclepius, the first doctor), he did name the Prometheus Chambers.
  • The Æsculapian symbol is designed to look like a red cross, a fairly universal symbol of the medical field in the modern day. Although, crucially, it's not a full red cross, as this symbol is legally protected by the Geneva Conventions. [2]


Trinity Continuum: Æon Allegiances
c. 2123

Æon Trinity
Psi Orders

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